bouncing ball 3D

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I made the bouncing ball like we have learned in 2D with the time charts. I'm not sure I did everything in the right order tho. I started with placing the ball 1, 13, 25 before I made the other key frames. Once that was done I went in Graph Editor to fix the easing in and out maya does for you and this is what the graph looked like. I'm not sure if that's what its supposed to look like but figured it was ok, at least the bounce looks ok. I made the tweaking on the graph and then I tried to find out how to export, but I don't know how to do that and during this search for how to do this I remembered that I forgot to set the project so I'm not even sure where the files are. you learn from your mistakes so hopefully it will open, but I have to make it again and go thoroughly trough the steps and not do it on auto bad habits.  

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