Modelling in Maya teapot

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Modelling in Maya is going ok. Because I wasn't there the day you thought us Maya I've been lacking behind but I hope I get that sorted out soon. I sent a mail to Simon asking for a quick 101 so hopefully he'll have time and I'll be at the same level as the rest of the second years next week. this week I got a lot of help from Jeng and Wilde so at least I have something to show for tomorrow.

This is the teapot I've made. As you probably can see there's a few mistakes I don't know how to fix at the bottom and around the edge of the tip, but hopefully it works well enough for what were gonna do on the Monday lesson.

I made the shape with the curve tool and used the edge loop tool to make the edges on the top a bit more defined.

The handle is made the way you showed us with the extrude and then a hole at the bottom where I connected the edges. 

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