how the Diorama works

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 I looked up paper dioramas just to see how it works in real life and also to see how it looks with barely any colour.

  These pictures I added to this post for style inspiration. I'm reconsidering the style of the diorama and I'm cutting back on the story because it was way to long. (It would be about 2 min and I just found out/got told again that its going to be 30 sec.)
This is a crap drawing to test out how it will work in layers. what I've done and what I'm probably gonna do in the finished animation is to have the mountains in the same colour and then add a layer between every mountain in a see trough lighter shade.

After the lectures we had on light I got really inspired to try out light in this diorama. What my "vision" of this diorama is now is that it's going to be from a strong light sourse in the far background (Late day sun or early morning) peeking up from behind the Mountains.

Like in this picture. The last layer is going to be inspired by this and some pictures I have from the mountain that was behind my room when I lived in Hardanger.

The first cople of mountains are gonna be based on these in Ulvik.

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